Monday, October 20, 2008

WAMI's for the Cloud, lets dance.

Well, WE WON!
Both Cafe and Dance/Electronic catagories of the WAMI Song Of The Year 2008. With Samanta Ray's tune 'Revien' and Cle's track 'Realising'. Sam is in Europe and Cle had a gig she couldn't get out of, so a gang of drunk Cloud boys picked up the awards. After the first award we drank pints in celebration and by the second we were a bit slurry (well, I was). It was a fun night for all. Paul, David and I went on to find a gig to party at, but Fremantle seems to close at 12pm. here is the evidence.
I was hoping to get a copy of the photos, but it's taking too long so here is a dodgy clip from the Xpress magazine from the 16 of October 2008.

I have just put some of the soundtrack work David Scharpf and I have been doing on the Cloud Kollektiv website

You can also listen to the WAMI award winning tracks on the music page.

Visible Dance have put up some video from the 'Reaction' show that David Scharpf and I wrote the soundtrack for. Here is a the wonderful Elyse being a glitchy robot.

The next big Visible Dance show will be 'GAME' It will be at the Onyx Bar, on: Wednesday the 3rd of December and Tuesday the 9th of December. The music will be a collaboration between my other band She Selexx and the Transients. Overall a more punky electronic affair. Should be fun.

Cool, that's me done for now, phew!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Get Spiritual and Win!

I love the parallel between mad club dancing and religious furver.

Thursday the 9th is the West Australian Music Awards. My group the Cloud Kollektiv are up for two categories 'Realising' featuring Cle in the dance/electronic category and Samanta Ray's song 'Revien' in the new cafe category. Have a listen.

..and wish us luck. More news next post.